Print Show
We’ve got a print show taking place at the Faulkner Gallery at the Santa Barbara Public Library during the month of November 2024. See the Angle Newsletter for details.
Website Updates
We’re in the process of refreshing the website a bit.
Here are some news related links below:
Computational Photography
Photography is an ever evolving field and technology keeps pushing things forward. Here are some thoughts on the expanding field of computational photography:
Predicting the future of computational photography is challenging, but we can make some educated guesses based on current trends and technological advancements. Here are some potential developments we might see in the field of computational photography:
1. **Improved Image Quality**: Computational photography techniques will continue to enhance image quality. Algorithms will become more adept at reducing noise, improving dynamic range, and enhancing details. This will make it possible to capture high-quality photos even in challenging lighting conditions.
2. **AI-Enhanced Features**: Artificial intelligence will play an increasingly important role in computational photography. AI algorithms will assist in real-time scene recognition, object tracking, and automatic adjustment of camera settings to capture the perfect shot.
3. **Low-Light Performance**: Cameras will become even better at capturing photos in low-light conditions. Advanced noise reduction and night mode features will allow for clearer and more detailed images in the dark.
4. **Multi-Sensor Arrays**: Future smartphones and cameras may incorporate multiple sensors and lenses for various purposes, such as ultra-wide-angle, macro, and telephoto photography. These sensors will work together to capture a wide range of image data that can be combined for stunning results.
5. **3D Photography**: Computational photography will continue to advance in 3D imaging. This could lead to more widespread adoption of 3D photos and videos for immersive experiences and augmented reality applications.
6. **Enhanced Portrait Mode**: Portrait mode, which blurs the background to create a bokeh effect, will become even more sophisticated. Advanced algorithms will enable more precise subject-background separation and better simulation of professional-level bokeh.
7. **Real-Time Editing**: Cameras will increasingly offer real-time image editing features, allowing users to apply filters, adjust exposure, and even remove unwanted objects or people from the frame before taking the shot.
8. **HDR Video**: Just as HDR (High Dynamic Range) is common in photography, it will become more prevalent in videography. Cameras will offer HDR video recording, resulting in videos with better contrast and more vibrant colors.
9. **Long-Range Imaging**: Computational photography may find applications in long-range imaging, such as astronomy and surveillance. Algorithms could enhance the clarity of distant objects and reduce atmospheric distortions.
10. **Ethical and Privacy Concerns**: As computational photography becomes more powerful, concerns over privacy and misuse of technology will arise. Regulations and ethical guidelines will likely be developed to address these issues.
11. **Environmental Considerations**: Manufacturers will likely focus on making computational photography devices more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly, as the demand for high-quality cameras continues to grow.
12. **Customization**: Users may have the ability to customize and train their cameras’ AI algorithms to match their unique photography preferences, allowing for a more personalized shooting experience.
13. **Collaboration with AR and VR**: Computational photography will play a crucial role in the development of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences, offering realistic rendering of virtual objects in real-world environments.
It’s important to note that these are predictions based on current trends and technological trajectories, and the actual future of computational photography may include unexpected innovations and challenges. Nevertheless, it’s clear that computational photography will continue to evolve, making it easier for people to capture stunning images and videos with their devices while pushing the boundaries of what is possible in visual content creation.
We are now adding news to the website (see below for index) and porting over the Newsletter Archive from the Camera Angle Newsletter.
We may be forced to remove the club’s online calendar. That information can be found in the newsletter.
We’re looking forward to a great year of virtual meetings and photography.
Expanded Nature
At the March, May, July, and October Exhibition Nights this year, the traditional Nature Category will be expanded to include some subjects and techniques not previously allowed. During these months you are allowed (but not required) to submit Nature images that go beyond our current Nature Rules. You may also continue to submit images that meet the traditional requirements. This is not a new category. Images submitted under these rules will be scored as Nature submissions and no changes to end-of-the-year recognition are being made. Consider it as a few opportunities to expand what you present as Nature.
At three Exhibition Nights this year, the traditional Nature Category will be expanded to include some subjects and techniques not previously allowed. For exhibitions in March, May, July, and October this year, you may choose to submit Nature images that go beyond our current Nature Rules. You can also choose to continue to submit images that meet the traditional requirements. This is not a new category choose to submit Nature images that go beyond our current Nature Rules. You can also choose to continue to submit images that meet the traditional requirements. This is not a new category.
Here’s what you can do differently with your Nature submissions in those months:
Here are the specific rules for Expanded Nature:
Note that all Expanded Nature images will be scored as Nature submissions and no changes to end-of-the-year recognition are being made… just a few opportunities to expand what you present as “Nature.”
April’s exhibition is the first of three for 2022 that will allow Nature submissions using the new “Expanded Nature” ruleset. Here’s a recap of the details:
Periodically, monthly club exhibitions will allow (but not require) submissions that depict the intersection of nature and human civilization.
This expansion is not a new or separate category. Submissions will be part of the members’ annual Nature (NAT) scores whether they follow the expanded or traditional rules.
Accepted images will be eligible for end-of-the-year awards alongside traditional nature submissions.
For Exhibitions allowing Expanded Nature, members may choose to submit either “Expanded Nature” or “Traditional Nature” entries
Submissions may include the removal of distracting elements or defects and may reflect depiction of all branches of natural history, including anthropology and archeology
Examples of Expanded Nature include:
- Depiction of natural subjects that have adapted to an environment modified by humans (e.g., wildlife in non-wilderness environments). In this case, human elements are allowed as an integral part of the nature story.
- Scenes where human elements are included in the depiction of natural forces (e.g., extreme weather or other destructive natural occurrences).
- Presence of humans or human-created elements as secondary subjects that demonstrate the relative scale of, or interaction with, the primary natural subject AND contribute to the storytelling nature of the image.
- The intersection of humans and nature that provide perspective or context to natural subjects.
- Pure black, white, or toned backgrounds and studio shots are allowed.
Remember, the Club takes August off.
We are starting something new in 2021 – Monthly photography challenges. That being said, the challenge for March 2021 will be “Mobile Phone (or in-camera) Panoramas. Show us what you come up with during our 4th Tuesday Program. We’d love to see other member’s creative vision.
How are you staying motivated during Coivd? We’d love to hear how you’re managing with the pandemic and the pursuit of photography.
We’d really like some help with our 4th Tuesdays. If you’ve got ideas, reach out and share them.
We’re off and running, having just wrapped up our first juried exhibition. Online meetings have allowed us to keep pursuing our passion for photography and keep our club going strong. We’re looking forward to seeing lots of stunning images throughout the year. Happy Shooting.
Welcome to CCCC 2021! Although we’re starting the year with restrictions few of us ever imagined would still be keeping us isolated and close to home, we’re well-positioned to have another outstanding year! It’s starting out with a bang on February 2nd, with the first Exhibition Night.
We’ve added the option to pay your dues online. You’ll find that information on the Membership Page.
1. Fill the frame. Be bold. Eliminate distractions.
2. Try a different point of view. High, low, anything that makes a viewer take just an extra second or two digesting your image. It’s all about perspective, share yours.
3. Keep it simple. You don’t need to include everything you see in your images. Let your subject shine through by avoiding clutter. Remember, the parts are often greater than the sum of the whole.
4. Keep your camera with you. Don’t leave home without it. You’ll be surprised by the results.
5. There’s always something to shoot. Take an idea and go from there.
We are working on wrapping up 2020 and looking forward to an exciting 2021.
We’ve now got a YouTube Channel
. Check it out!
There have been a few intermittent issues with the website that we’re aware of and working on resolving. If you have any issues clear your cache and reload the page.
All meetings for the remainder of 2020 will be held via Zoom.
All meetings for May will be held via Zoom.
All physical meetings for April have been canceled.
Meetings for the remainder of March have been canceled.
Sculpting with Light special interest group
March 2019 Schedule: Bird SIG
Mentorship Program
Non-competitive image sharing
2019 Special Assignments
February 2019 Schedule: Bird SIG
The London Salon of Photography 2018
February 2019 Juried Exhibition