Expanded Nature

Expanded Nature


At the March, May, July, and October Exhibition Nights this year, the traditional Nature Category will be expanded to include some subjects and techniques not previously allowed. During these months you are allowed (but not required) to submit Nature images that go beyond our current Nature Rules. You may also continue to submit images that meet the traditional requirements. This is not a new category. Images submitted under these rules will be scored as Nature submissions and no changes to end-of-the-year recognition are being made. Consider it as a few opportunities to expand what you present as Nature.

At three Exhibition Nights this year, the traditional Nature Category will be expanded to include some subjects and techniques not previously allowed. For exhibitions in March, May, July, and October this year, you may choose to submit Nature images that go beyond our current Nature Rules. You can also choose to continue to submit images that meet the traditional requirements. This is not a new category choose to submit Nature images that go beyond our current Nature Rules. You can also choose to continue to submit images that meet the traditional requirements. This is not a new category.

Here’s what you can do differently with your Nature submissions in those months:

Here are the specific rules for Expanded Nature:

” The Expanded Nature category is expanded to allow the intersection of nature and human civilization.

Submissions may include the removal of distracting elements or defects and may reflect the depiction of all branches of natural history, including anthropology and archeology. Examples include:

  • Depiction of natural subjects that have adapted to an environment modified by humans (e.g., wildlife in non-wilderness environments). In this case, human elements are allowed as an integral part of the nature story.
  • Scenes where human elements are included in the depiction of natural forces (e.g., extreme weather or other destructive natural occurrences).
  • The presence of humans or human-created elements as secondary subjects demonstrating the relative scale of, or interaction with, the primary natural subject that contribute to the storytelling nature of the image.
  • Intersection of humans and nature that provide perspective or context to natural subjects.
  • Artificial black, white, or toned backgrounds and studio shots are allowed.”

Rev. 052025

Note that all Expanded Nature images will be scored as Nature submissions and no changes to end-of-the-year recognition are being made… just a few opportunities to expand what you present as “Nature.”