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Program Night – In Person (Feb. 25)

February 18 @ 19:00 - 21:00 PST

Program: Education - Training

Speaker: Shawn Jeffries
Topic: The Pinhole Alternative

I’m a member of the CCCC that has been lurking in the shadows for many years. My earliest memories of photography was a trip to the World’s Fair in Spokane Washington using my mother’s Brownie Camera. Fast forward to the digital age, bought a Canon 60-D and being completely confused at how it worked I got a degree in digital photography at SBCC. One of the classes was on Alternative Photography, I was hooked…

Pinhole Photography was in my blood and I couldn’t let it go. Just now I’m crawling out from under various rocks where I’m usually chasing bugs and lizards to photograph. Lately pinhole photography has been all consuming, and addictive for that matter. Which leads me to the topic of February 25’s discussion and demo


February 18
19:00 - 21:00 PST
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Channel City Camera Club
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Valle Verde